Éccora Distribución y Reventa de Software S.L. – CIF B85829596
Avenida de Brasil 6, 1ª Planta – 28020 (Madrid)
1. Introduction refers to the Éccora Distribución y Reventa de Software S.L. website (hereinafter known as éccora), which provides information to clients about the company and its services. Website design by Websdirect.
2. Privacy Policy
éccora guarantees confidentiality of personal information provided by clients for automatic data processing, in strict adherence to legislation and clauses relating to personal data protection.
3 Intellectual and Industrial Property
éccora is the titleholder of intellectual property rights of the content of all the pages of this website. Consequently, any transformation, reproduction, distribution and public broadcast whatsoever is not permitted except for personal and private use. Furthermore, all trade names, logos, marks or symbols contained within the éccora website are thus legally copyrighted and protected.
4. Technical information
éccora will not be held responsible for damages that derive from interference, interruptions, freezes, information viruses, telephone line breakdowns or operating system disconnections resulting from events beyond éccora’s control, or damages caused by third party intrusion outwith éccora’s control.
By the same token, éccora is exempt from liability for damages caused to the end user as a result of mistakes, omissions, or bad use of information.