Why éccora?
By outsourcing the process of buying non-strategic products, devotes its resources to core business
The current model (manufacturer – wholesaler – integrator – end user) is not able to fully respond to its new surroundings, as it is based on limited portfolio solutions. An integrator wishing to adjust to this new reality needs to assign part of its resources in order to get to places that are outside the wholesalers reach.
With additional support from éccora the following is obtained:

Increased competitiveness: a greater chance of fully satisfying your client, by making your product portfolio endless.

Increased efficiency: the sale process of products not distributed by your wholesaler is outsourced, so your resources can focus on the business core.

Barrier removal: these barriers arise from a reluctance to carry out transactions with third parties that do not offer commercial references.
In conclusion, increase the profitability of his company